Bleucalf: NYC Stories Issue 1 - Unveiling the Mosaic of Urban Creativity

“New York Minute” By Bleu Pablo
IG: @Bleupablo

In New York City, creativity isn't just a trait—it's a way of life. Bleucalf Magazine's debut issue, NYC Stories, is like a love letter to the city's artistic soul, showcasing the diversity of talent spread across its five boroughs. From the Bronx's colorful streets to the eclectic corners of Brooklyn, this magazine paints a vivid picture of the city's artistic spirit.

NYC Stories started off as a daring adventure—a way for Bleucalf Magazine not only to spotlight artists but also to raise funds for its own growth. With artists chipping in through submission fees and sponsorships pouring in, this project not only fueled the magazine's expansion but also fortified its mission. The funds raised allowed Bleucalf to build up its team, set up a nonprofit wing, open a second studio space for production, and offer even more support and services to emerging artists.

“Silk” By Justin “JJM Art “ Moultrie
IG: @jjm.art93

 At the heart of NYC Stories lies a celebration of artistic genius that reflects the kaleidoscope of cultures found in New York City. Flip through its pages, and you'll find an array of mediums—from the raw energy of street photography to the vibrant strokes of paint on canvas, and the digital landscapes that push the boundaries of imagination. Each piece tells a story, offering a glimpse into the lives, experiences, and dreams of its creator.

 Front and center on the cover is Alejandro "ABON" Bonilla Jr.'s striking artwork, "Moor God." It's a powerful tribute to the trailblazers of color who've left an indelible mark on society. Through bold strokes and vivid imagery, Bonilla captures the resilience and strength of communities of color, celebrating their contributions to shaping our world.

"Moor God” - Alejandro "ABON" Bonilla Jr
IG: @abonfire

Meanwhile, on the back cover, Parisa Pirooz's painting steals the spotlight. Her portrayal of High Commander Bibi Mariam Dakhiary—a fearless Iranian woman who fought for democratic reforms and women's rights over a century ago—is nothing short of inspiring. Pirooz's artwork serves as a reminder of the untold stories of women who've changed history.

“Legacy” By: Parisa Pirooz'

IG; @parisapirooz1

Among the standout mentions are Victor Otero (V)'s Twilight Photography Series, Sonia Lerebours's vibrant paintings that seem to grab your attention straight from the canvas, and IFLYUNIVERSE's ethereal "Goddess of the Heavens" fashion collection.

Twilight Series By Vic Otero (V)
IG: @the_v_path

“Let it Flow” By Sonia Lerebours
IG: @brilliant_headz

Goddess of The Heavens Collection by IFLYUNIVERSE
IG: @ifly.universe

 The publication of NYC Stories has been a game-changer for artists, giving them a platform to share their work and connect with new audiences. For many, seeing their creations in the pages of Bleucalf Magazine has been a dream come true—a validation of their talent and a springboard for their careers.

Bleucalf's commitment to celebrating artists from all walks of life is at the core of its mission. With a diverse lineup of talent featured in NYC Stories, the magazine serves as a vibrant reflection of the city's ever-evolving cultural landscape.

“Untiled” By William Jones
IG: @_flightjones

From photography to fine art, the artists featured in this remarkable issue of NYC Stories span a diverse spectrum of creative expression, underscoring Bleucalf Magazine's unwavering commitment to diversity and inclusivity. Among the talents showcased are:

Alejandro "ABON" Bonilla Jr., Angelina Salgado, Annette Back, Aprajita Lal, Ashanti Ortiz, Ashley Joan, Barbtropolis, Carlos Trillocks, Chance The Artist (Valerie Shalit), Elena Kariyannis (aka EROCKSNY), Bleu Pablo, Eric Klemp (of Ninja’s Sonic Sleaze & Klemp Designs), Esther Pagan, Etienne Kinsey, IFLYUNIVERSE, Isaiah Pacheco, Justin “JJM Art” Moultrie, Karaneko (Sid), Kenny U Grant, KilljoyINK, Kurve King (or Damian Dickson), Malcolm Alexander, Mario Miguelito, Parisa Pirooz, Ramon Vasquez, Richa Rashmi, Robyn Ivy, Rodney Elyas Guerra, Sandra Jockus, Sara Sasic, Sarah Lobo, Shine Dee, Sonia Lerebours, Sophocles Plokamakis & Thais Coelho Plokamakis & Start Shows, Thais Coelho Plokamakis, Unico K Bermudez, Varteny Daghinian Daschian, VICENTY, Victor Otero (V), Yaina (Ye), and William Jones.

“The Fuzzy Thangz” By Eric Klemp (Ninja’s Sonic Sleaze & Klemp Designs)

IG: @Ninjas_Sonic_Sleaze

As Bleucalf Magazine continues to grow and evolve, one thing remains constant: its dedication to showcasing the creativity, diversity, and community spirit that makes New York City's art scene so special. With NYC Stories Issue 1, Bleucalf has set the stage for more captivating editions to come—each one a colorful thread of the city's artistic soul.


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